Janko, to group a bunch of elements into a relation or add same a tag to all these elements is not quite the same. A relation carry a meaning (type), while with all these tags, It's seems to me just a collection that you can find with a query :) (Actually, we all know that both are technically feasible, no need to fill up the history for testing ;-).

Quoting the wiki page you linked:
"Grouping relations really only make sense if the grouping is neither geographical (as discussed above) nor exclusive ..."

Exclusive you take care of with a semicolon, why not.

For the geography, I think of this 'resorts' as a kind of geography by itself, after all (not sure I use the term properly, pretty sure I don't, in fact). When I go skiing to 'Le Risoux', I don't speak about the forest (http://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/For%C3%AAt_du_Risoux), nor the mountain (http://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mont_Risoux), but rather of a bunch of pistes, along with the 3 entry points and their cabin where people drink tea selling you tickets, and so ...

Now, my 'rationale' :
As I go skiing here and there for mapping, I more than often go to place I don't know yet. I check websites and forums about snow and skiing and resorts and try to find out how I go there on low-res scanned maps. It took me quite some icy road to find 'Le Risoux', and I first found these pistes by the longest road. I'd like to be able to find it more easily.

When I look for 'La Seigne' in nominatim, I found 'Locality La Seigne, Les Hôpitaux-Vieux, Doyenné du Haut-Doubs forestier, Doubs, Freie Grafschaft, France <http://www.openstreetmap.org/?minlon=6.37080049514771&minlat=46.7974090576172&maxlon=6.37080097198486&maxlat=46.7974128723145>'. Although geographicality close, it's not the same as the 'Resort La Seigne, Les Hôpitaux-Vieux, Doyenné du Haut-Doubs forestier, Doubs, Freie Grafschaft, France <http://www.openstreetmap.org/?minlon=6.37080049514771&minlat=46.7974090576172&maxlon=6.37080097198486&maxlat=46.7974128723145>' I'm looking for.

Also, IMHO it would be good if we could avoid this: http://taginfo.openstreetmap.org/search?q=piste%3Aamenity%3Dcafe

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