Better be explicit and use

oven=yes for all 'warme bakkers' where the bread is baked on the spot.


oven=no if the bread is transported in from somewhere else.

And here in Belgium we also distinguish bakery/pastry. Usually bakers do
both. Confectionery is something totally different. We also have shops
specialised in chocolate confectionery ('pralines' in French/Dutch)


2013/6/3 Martin Koppenhoefer <>

> On 03/giu/2013, at 08:55, Vincent Pottier <> wrote:
> > So we can had the tag baking=no for those shop without oven.
> there is a tag "oven" in use with values like wood_fired to indicate the
> type of oven, e.g. for a pizzeria, you could use oven=no for the pain
> depots.
> cheers,
> Martin
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