Martin and Chris opinions are opposite but both true.
I thought voting could be a chance to put attention on the proposal, but it
seems that few people care about it.
On the other hand that proposal doesn't conflict with other tags, so I could
simply create a wiki page to document it and bypass voting as Chris
So what should I do, extend voting or not?

> If you end voting now it means that your proposal is rejected for absence
of interest (must have at least 15 votes). I think given the low number of
opponents you could extend the voting period and try to encourage more
people to participate in the voting.
> cheers,
> Martin

> Voting is pointless and gives tags an air or importance they do not
deserve - there are *no* approved tags, just tags people use. Discussing and
documenting tags is good, but voting is just daft, especially when the
quorum is just 15 out of about 15000 regular mappers.
> If you like the tag and find it useful, use it.
> Chris Hill

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