
A long discussion with multiple ideas given is currently taking place about
power poles and hosted features on the talk feed of the Substation
refinement proposal.

As explained in proposal/talk/previous mails, since both poles / towers and
transformers are values of the power=* tag, we can't put them together when
a transformer is a the top of a pole.

Many tricks promote some extra tags like power=pole +
transformer=distribution (power=transformer is here implicit) but they
sound like tricks to me.

Another possibility would be to deprecate power=pole and power=tower and
use man_made=pole and man_made=tower+tower:type=power
It would allow us to have nodes with man_made=pole + power=transformer or
any other hosted feature.

A transformer has more to share with power domain than the pole itself
(which only is a man made building in landscape).

I'm aware that there are currently a very big amount of features tagged
with power=pole or power=tower. Nevertheless it's more consistent than the
model we are using now, which wasn't designed to take transformer or such
detailed feature in account.

Let's talk about that....


*François Lacombe*

francois dot lacombe At telecom-bretagne dot eu
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