(response to message archived at 
http://lists.openstreetmap.org/pipermail/tagging/2013-August/014639.html )

I took a look around and likely the closest match, albeit still a far one, 
would be "Trail riding station" which is listed among features on the page 
http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Riding .  It is telling that though there 
are ~500 used instances of route=horse, there are no instances for either 
route=mule, route=donkey or route=pack_animal.  So I think that the whole 
matter of mapping verrry rugged terrain where only pack animals have a 
reasonable chance of traversing terrain is relatively un-addressed so far.  In 
the case you are looking at, what type of route are you working with?  Does it 
have a designated or preferred animal permissive?  Or is it a standard horse 
route which would be tagged with smoothness=impassable and surface=ground?  

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