Bryce Nesbitt <> wrote:
> Here's an example pack station:
> I'd say the horse operation is first a "*coral*".
> Second it is the type of coral that has *offerings for the public.*
> And third it offers *cargo transport via horse.*
> as you noted use a more
> direct
> approach with a tourism=trail_riding_station,
> the problem being that it is often not clear what the most important
> of
> several services at such location is.  Is the
> trail ride operation the most important?  The cargo operation?
> If you can tag it first as a "horse operation with public services"
> and
> subtag for the cargo services, I think you're on a good
> track.
> Not attempting to follow existing convention it might look like:
> amenity=stable
> access=customers
> services=day trips; cargo dropoff; overnight trips; instruction; feed
> animal_boarding=horse
> feeding:for=horse
> website=
> With both free form services offered, and certain developed tags like
> "feeding:for".
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I believe you mean corral, rather than coral.  A corral is a fenced enclosure 
for horses.  Coral is a kind of rock formed by a colony of soft-bodied animals.

John F. Eldredge --
"Darkness cannot drive out darkness: 
only light can do that.  Hate cannot drive out hate: only love can do that."  
-- Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
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