For what it is worth, in the area I live in such facilities seem to be called 
"corporate yards".

Since "industrial=depot" seems to have only one use at present and does not fit 
exactly. At least it does not fit in my mind. Perhaps it could be tagged as 
"landuse=industrial, industrial=corporate_yard" with operator="City of XXXX" 
and maybe name="XXX Corporate Yard"


On Feb 19, 2014, at 3:37 AM, SomeoneElse wrote:

> Pieren wrote:
>> It's a small area with several buildings where the municipality is
>> storing vehicles and the maintenance and repair services.
> I've gone with "landuse=industrial, industrial=depot" for these in the past:
> (although arguably the "name" on that should actually be "operator")
>> Someone
>> suggests to use "amenity=public_building" but it's deprecated now in
>> the wiki...
> Whoever edited the wiki clearly failed to communicate with all the editor 
> authors since "amenity=public_building" is a default in P2 (not that it's 
> relevant in this case, since what you're describing isn't just a building.
> Cheers,
> Andy
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