On 2014-04-09 10:47, Pieren wrote :
> On Tue, Apr 8, 2014 at 6:38 PM, André Pirard <a.pirard.pa...@gmail.com
> <mailto:a.pirard.pa...@gmail.com>> wrote:
>      1. noexit cannot be used on ways because that does not show what
>         end "cannot pass"
> eeh, what "what end" ? Either the highway line is linked to another
> highway at both ends, then "noexit" is a tagging mistake. Or the
> highway line is not linked to another highway on both ends and then
> the "noexit" can be helpful (confirming tha'ts really an isolated
> highway and not some connection missing)
??? Let's explain in details. We let alone the Xmas trees.
Assuming real noexit, the typical cases
*look like* two normal junctions at each way end but one of them *is in
fact *a dead end.
Why would we tag noexit on the way and request the beholder to zoom in
each end to determine which is dead if we can tag the information
clearly on the end node?  What about T shaped ways where the top way
contains 2 dead ends? "gotcha, there were 2"?
Now, instead of a vertical bar,  what about a small (or larger) mesh
like /rue Grétry/: are we going to tag as dead ends all the segments of
the mesh up to the normal junction even if they're not directly related
with a dead end?  And, BTW, are we speaking (in Subject:) of ways or of
roads?  Must we apply noexit=yes to both ways of the same road when we
split one?  How would the brave contributor splitting a way cope with
that if he hasn't got the faintest notion of what noexit is (no blame on
These are [probably a part of] the questions that raise and should be
settled and that no one advocating noexit on ways mentioned.
Frankly, noexit on nodes (as designed) is much more logical and simple
(than on ways, of course).



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