On 20/05/2014 16:17, SomeoneElse wrote:
Dave F. wrote:

Going slightly off topic, I notice the UK listing is missing byway, a recognised highway classification.

Dave F.

Is there a notable physical difference between a "byway" in England and Wales and a "track"? "Byway Open to All Traffic" and "Restricted Byway" are both legal definitions (i.e. "designation" tag), but is there a physical difference too?

I'd say the physicality of byways varies in the same way tracks do. However I'm not sure it's a valid reason to not define it separately. Think of it as similar to the accepted way of tagging highways like highway=motorway, instead of highway=road, designation=motorway.

I've yet to come across a non copyrighted source for BOATs & Restricted Byway, & as most byways are tagged on the ground as just 'byway' I still believe it's a valid tag & should not be deprecated as suggested in the wiki.

Dave F.

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