There are several differences in my view:
1. When viewing the map offline, the user wants to see only rural roads
when zooming out really far.
2. If you don't have maxspeed for a particular way, a clever app that knows
typical speeds for each type of way in each country can make a more
educated guess. This leads to better routes and better time estimations.
3. The rural and the urban systems are often planned by different
authorities following very different prínciples. If one wished to study one
system, but not the other, it would be easier to filter out the data with
such a distinction.

This could all be solved either by a different classification system or
also by a new urban=no tag on the way.
On 17 Jun 2014 05:06, "Pieren" <> wrote:

> On Sun, Jun 15, 2014 at 4:00 AM, Fernando Trebien
> <> wrote:
> > For several applications, such as navigation software, a distinction
> > would be very interesting, allowing the display of rural primaries and
> > secondaries when zooming out, a more accurate speed guess when the
> > maxspeed tag is missing (based on these tables, which seem to assume
> > that the urban/rural boundary is mapped using a place=* tag, perhaps
> > an old idea:
> > The only benefit I can see of mixing the two classification systems
> > into a single system is not being required to duplicate a rendering
> > rule.
> If you tag differently urban roads and rural roads, where is the
> difference between using two "highway" values or simply two "maxspeed"
> values on the same "highway" ?
> Btw, I never understood why the "maxspeed=<countrycode>:<zone type>"
> was not simply a "maxspeed=<zone type>" since OSM is a spatial db and
> knows in which country the way is.
> Pieren
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