On 08/07/2014 14:59, Daniel Koć wrote:

This is my first attempt to define OSM features.

Currently taginfo suggests almost no usage of peak like this


and see also:


The "Proposed_features" page seems confused about tagging and rendering though - given that local terrain height is available in most parts of the world from external sources, couldn't a map that wanted to suppress hillocks do so simply by comparing elevation with that? I'm not sure why you'd need to tag the height of "things around thing A" on "thing A" itself.

Also, the normal way to "define" OSM features is by going out and mapping them - so I'd go out and do that first, rather than worry about getting a "proposal" "accepted".



PS: Apologies if this comes across as overtly negative ("I wouldn't start from here if I were you") but it's not meant to be - OSM needs mappers far more than it needs proposal writers. If you think that it's important to classify a natural=peak as a hillock go and have a look at it, and if it looks like a hillock to you, tag it as one!

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