Thanks for starting this discussion. Personally I think it makes sense
to define different types of peaks in the data. It would solve the
problem we have now, where tiny hillocks are rendered just like huge

On 8 July 2014 15:14, SomeoneElse <> wrote:
> The "Proposed_features" page seems confused about tagging and rendering
> though - given that local terrain height is available in most parts of the
> world from external sources, couldn't a map that wanted to suppress hillocks
> do so simply by comparing elevation with that?

That's not a particularly easy computation to calculate or define. I
think in this case, defining this in the tagging is fine.

> Also, the normal way to "define" OSM features is by going out and mapping
> them - so I'd go out and do that first, rather than worry about getting a
> "proposal" "accepted".

For a consistent tagging scheme, I think it's much better to discuss
and define things first.

> OSM needs mappers far more than it needs proposal writers.

I strongly disagree with that.

-- Matthijs

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