Hi Alv,

I'm sorry this particular point disappoint you and be such a disagreement

Our views aren't the same regarding power line model and they do have been
well explained on wiki and on this mailing list (and on the gravitystorm's
github indeed).

JOSM already asking you a voltage=* tag on any power=* object.

Let's allow voting people to give their position when second vote will be


*François Lacombe*

francois dot lacombe At telecom-bretagne dot eu

2014-07-09 9:44 GMT+02:00 Kytömaa Lauri <lauri.kyto...@aalto.fi>:

> François Lacombe wrote:
> >I spent a little more time this week on the power transmission proposal.
> >
> https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Proposed_features/Power_transmission_refinement
> > Finally, the two values minor_line and minor_cable, due to the arbitrary
> voltage threshold which may be different for every contributor, should be
> replaced by power=line + voltage=* or power=cable + voltage=* to let every
> consumer to set up its own threshold.
> https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Proposed_features/Power_transmission_refinement#overhead_power.3Dline
> Calling it "replacement" doesn't mean it's not "deprecation". The proposal
> is still trying to deprecate power=minor_line, and to remove the simple
> physical distinction between "really big thing on big pylons" vs. smaller
> overhead lines that you can often find everywhere.
> Mappers can make that size distinction much easier and faster than they
> could estimate what the actual voltage happens to be; the size is the
> criteria, not the voltage, even if the size quite often exceeds the
> threshold after some value in any particular country. And that
> classification is the most prominent feature for everybody else not
> interested in the voltages or circuits or number of cables or whatever; in
> mostly incomplete areas, mappers are most likely to first draw only the
> "big things", and only then start adding the minor_line's, so it's even
> easier to use the right choice. Pnorman provided you with nice example
> pictures for the distinction on the rendering github pages, and
> gravitystorm explained in detail in another issue in the same tracker why
> arbitrarily changing established tags is bad for the community. It should
> be a lesser inconvenience for power infrastructure consumers to select
> "where (power=line or power=minor_line) and voltage=" etc., than it would
> be for every other existing map to be cluttered with prominent power lines
> crisscrossing the suburbs and countryside until all eternity (entering a
> voltage=* tag can never be enforced on mappers).
> --
> Alv
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