Am 09.07.2014 23:49, schrieb Janko Mihelić:
> Should there be a relation with type=way? For when you need a way that
> is not an area over an existing way. Example would be a fence that is
> put on a wall.

There is already a proposal for type=multilinestring [1].

I use it occasionally to map barriers which are build above each other
like retaining_wall, wall and fence.

> Dana 9. 7. 2014. 19:47 osoba "Martin Koppenhoefer"
> < <>> napisala je:
>     I have proposed the node relation, a concept that I was missing for
>     some time now. Have a look here:


Have a look at relations without any or unapproved value for type=*. You
probably find some examples already in use.

I do not like your example on the proposal page, though, as the two
signs can be tagged together with a semi colon as separator.

Better use an example with two names and different values of the main tag.

An mast with several different antennas/transmitters on different levels
might be an example.

Cheers fly


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