2014-07-31 14:31 GMT+02:00 Tom Pfeifer <t.pfei...@computer.org>:

> If you look at http://taginfo.openstreetmap.org/tags/landuse=religious#map
> you see
> the highest density of use in Poland and Ireland, where apparently a lot of
> constellations are in need for such a tag.
> Certainly it does not target a prayer room in a multifunctional building
> or a
> church squeezed wall-to-wall into a row of inner-city terraced buildings.

I agree that words like "nonesense" should be kept out of constructive

Could you give some examples where landuse=religious does make sense? I
have not seen any definition for this so far. What would be a religious
activity/usage, that is not worshipping and is not covered by other
landuses? Are you aware of the possibility to add "religion=*" and
"denomination=*" to any feature to mark religious affiliation?

Do you agree on putting amenity=place_of_worship on the sacred area, and
not just on the building (e.g. church)?

FYI, I am mapping in Rome and so far we haven't yet discovered a need for
landuse=religious despite the fact there are really lots of features
related to the catholic church (I have read estimates that one fourth of
the city of Rome is owned by the catholic church).

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