> Differentiated tagging is needed for differentiated rendering.  "junction"
> vs "Signal". a single signal icon needs to be rendered in Japan for
> intersections.

But that is yet working perfectly with the current tagging!

In Korea, we have yet thousands of nodes with junction=yes and name=*, and
they are rendered just with their name (and without any icon) at osm.org.
Example: http://www.openstreetmap.org/#map=17/37.48391/126.65874

In Japan, we have yet thousands of nodes with highway=traffic_signals and
name=*, and they are rendered with their name together with the icon at
osm.org. Example: http://www.openstreetmap.org/#map=17/34.43281/132.46446

(I know that the rendering style is not very “japanese”, but osm.org has
worldwide coverage and has to render something that fits best at least a
big part of the world. But this is a _rendering_ issue, not a _tagging_

There is only a problem when you have to tag complex junctions or traffic
signal systems with dual carrigeways, because you want that the icon the
the name show up only _once_ per junction/traffic signal system, and not
_multiple_ times. That’s what is proposal is for.

is there a way to tell the renderer to not render it's icon if it is part
> of another area's way? that would allow the intersection tag to take over
> for the rendering of the signals for it's single icon.

I guess you want to say that we have to supress the rendering of individual
traffic signals (nodes with highway=traffic_signals) if these node are
located within the area element that marks the traffic signal system as a
hole. So we render only the area element and we get only _one_ icon and
name per traffic signal system.

Indeed that is exactly what is necessary, and I’ve made my proposal based
on this assumption.

I assumed that this is tecnically easy, but I’ll check this again…

> if that's the case:
> landmark=intersection  ?
> Intersection=signals for Japan, intersection=junction for korea, or other
> named junctions.

Again, I do not see the point in introducing here a new tag. Using the
existing junction=yes in Korea and the existing highway=traffic_signals in
Japan – just not only on nodes but extending it also also on closed ways
(=areas) – should be fine.
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