On 17.10.2014 15:40, Lukas Sommer wrote:
> The downside is that in the example the cycleway would loose the connection
> with the bridge area. While humans can understand that this is probably
> another layer of the same bridge, it will be more difficult for software to
> determine that this cycleway belongs to this bridge.

I already defined the criteria. The algorithm is trivial.

> We could always share nodes with the bridge area
> if it belongs to the same bridge - independent of the layer of the
> individual ways. So it will be much easier for software to work with that 
> data.

It may be easier to do something with the data, but whatever you do with
wrong data will be a mess in the end. We'd better keep our data straight and
leave it over to application developers to decide what to do with it.

> Why not defining the outline for bridge areas as the widest part
> of the bridge?)

Yes, I think that the outline should enclose the whole bridge.

> The connection of the cycleway with the bridge is maybe not
> elegant. But I think doing so we can gain more of information quality and
> usability than we risk to loose.

Please don't talk of quality when condemning correctness.

Friedrich K. Volkmann       http://www.volki.at/
Adr.: Davidgasse 76-80/14/10, 1100 Wien, Austria

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