2014-11-05 1:23 GMT+01:00 johnw <jo...@mac.com>:

> To me, "Civic" is short for "Civic Services". Maybe I should make that
> clear. I updated the RFC page
> http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Proposed_features/landuse%3Dcivic

IMHO you should make that clear by naming the tag accordingly, i.e.
In your definition you also include "Civic / Governmental / public
institutional" so this seems to aim not only on "services" but is intended
for everything that is organized/done by the government?

> http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/civic
> : of or relating to a city or town or the people who live there
> : relating to citizenship or being a citizen

yes, I have read this dictionary definition, and I believe it underlines my
point: "civic" is too generic in meaning

we already tag residential, industrial, commercial, retail areas

City/regional/capital complexes are none of these.

of course not (well, maybe they could be "commercial" as of our definition
in the wiki), my point was that the tern "landuse=civic" (also by the
definition you have linked) would include those landuses (overlap).

> The above are catch-alls, albeit business is divided into three groups.
Religious was the other last missing catch-all (to me)


landuse=religious is another tag recently introduced which overlaps in its
current definition with other landuses that are already established.

This seems very straight forward to me.  If you want to exclude something
> from this to have it's own landuse (judicial / penal) I'm all ears, but to
> deny that there is a need for a landuse for these clearly differentiated
> Government offices in city centers throughout the entire world seems
> incorrect.

so this is only about offices? What about a city owned and operated power
plant or wastewater treatment plant? Or the depot of the public transport?
The depot of the public cleaning service? A public waste dump?

You are proposing to tag the landuse of a library differently according to
its type of ownership? Or is this about the operator? What about PPP
(private public partnerships)?

I am not generally opposing the introduction of a new landuse value, but it
should be chosen carefully to avoid overlap with what we already have.

Will a ministry be a "civic service"? A public school, kindergarten or
university? (You mention libraries, so I guess yes?). A public hospital? A
public museum? A post office which is run by the government? The tax
office? A prison?

Business-government-citizen-military-religion-farm-park. There's some
> mixing between them, but those are the big developed-land landuses ones to
> me.

No first level distinction between industrial, commercial and retail
(that's really particular, given the extremely different nature, impact and
requirements)? What about transportation (airports, train stations, road
infrastructure)? Can you expand on the distinction "citizen" and
"government"? According to the current state of the proposal both should
get the same landuse tag, or am I misreading it?

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