2015-01-15 23:48 GMT+00:00 Friedrich Volkmann <b...@volki.at>:
> On 15.01.2015 13:10, Dan S wrote:
>> The addrN scheme is really quite awkward
> Can you explain why you find it awkward?
> It seems to me that the displeasure felt with the addrN scheme is caused by
> a phenomenon called transference. Multiple addresses in the real world are
> awkward, but they do exist and we cannot change that annoying fact.
> Therefore, the negative feeling transfers to the tagging scheme that
> represents the awkward reality. The awkward reality cannot be defeatet, but
> its representation can.

I would give a different reason: I find it awkward because OSM's data
model, with a flat list of key=value tags, doesn't fit well to this
particular reality. A lovely data model would be hierarchical, where
our object could have an "addr" key containing two values, and those
two values would themselves each be a dictionary of "housenumber=Y
street=X ..." etc. That's why I find it awkward - but as I said, in my
opinion there isn't a non-awkward way to solve this!


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