On 19.01.2015 12:34, jgpacker wrote:
> I understand that the main tags of an object should avoid using semicolons to
> make map renderer's life easier, but I don't think only exceptional tags
> should use it and think most lists of values should be separated by
> semicolon.
> Particularly, I don't see how the example given in the page is better.
> I.e. How is this:
>>  amenity=library 
>>  library:stock=books;newspapers;recorded_music 
> better than this?:
>>  amenity=library 
>>  library:stock:books=yes 
>>  library:stock:newspapers=yes 
>>  library:stock:recorded_music=yes 
> As a programmer, I find the first alternative to be easier to handle by a
> data consumer. And while it could be slightly easier for a mapper to
> visualize the second alternative (and this is debatable), it would take
> longer to write it down.

I even find the second example more difficult to visualize. It's just worse
than the first in every respect.

> So I definitely disagree with "In general avoid ';' separated values
> whenever possible." (as it's said in the wiki right now). 
> I only agree with avoiding semicolons in "main" tags or in tags that
> logically shouldn't have multiple values.

I don't see why semicolons should be avoided in main tags. Let's take the
amenity=cafe;bar example given on the wiki page. A renderer (which must be
aware of semicolon notation anyway!) only needs to take the first value,
while a search engine may take both. Say, if you are searching for the
nearest bar, you want it to return that establishment as the first item. But
it's fine if it's titled as a cafe.

Friedrich K. Volkmann       http://www.volki.at/
Adr.: Davidgasse 76-80/14/10, 1100 Wien, Austria

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