On 29.01.2015 13:24, Satoshi IIDA wrote:
> +1 to use wikidata.
> I had once thinking about same purpose. :)
> https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Proposed_features/enshrine

Sorry that I missed your proposal.

Indeed, it seems that the wikidata id makes the tagging of related enshrines
superfluous, as the relation between main and related enshrines can be
defined outside OSM.

> But many place of worship in Japanese have multiple dedication gods.
> And when we would like to express using semi-colon (;),
> multi-lingual approach would be fail into complex array.
> e.g.
> If a shrine dedicates 3 gods.
> in Japanese Kanji = 天照大御神; 月讀命; 素戔嗚尊
> in English = Amaterasu-Oomikami; Tsukuyomi-no-Mikoto; Susanoo-no-Mikoto
> And each gods has "loc_name", "alt_name", or alternated writings.
> I was thinking about "dedication:N" (like Addr:N) once, but it is a bit
> troublesome.

There's a subtle difference to addrN:
addr1:street, addr1:housenumber etc. need to be used in conjunction, while
name:en, name:jp etc. are alternatives.

Of course, local names or alternated spellings complicate things a lot.

Isn't there an "official" dedication for a given japanese place of worship?
We do have that for churches. It's one fixed wording (and spelling) for a
given church, just like a birth certificate defines one fixed spelling for a
given individual.

Friedrich K. Volkmann       http://www.volki.at/
Adr.: Davidgasse 76-80/14/10, 1100 Wien, Austria

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