The current wiki vote guidelines read:

*A rule of thumb for "enough support" is 8 unanimous approval votes or 15
total votes with a majority approval, but other factors may also be
considered (such as whether a feature is already in use).*

Consider instead this wording:

*There is no firm definition of 'enough' votes. However, if the proposal
has significant negative comments, this is an indication that the proposal
may benefit from additional drafting time or experience.  A strong proposal
will have: *

*8 or more unanimous approval votes.*

*16 or more votes, with a supermajority (75%) positive or abstaining.*

*A history of tagging consistent with the proposal, from five or more
active mappers. This mapping often starts during the RFC phase, and can be
very helpful in refining the proposed tagging.*

*With OSM's open tagging policy you need not wait for the wiki to start
tagging.  The wiki is not a collection of 'rules', and mappers and
rendering services are free to ignore your proposal   However you must
seek consensus before retagging other mapper's work,
or altering established conventions as documented on the wiki.*
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