On Mon, 2015-03-02 at 17:07 -0800, Bryce Nesbitt wrote:
> The current wiki vote guidelines read:
Bryce, I see what you want to achieve but not sure if I agree on the

> Consider instead this wording:

>         There is no firm definition of 'enough' votes. 
Too subjective ! (Finally, I got to say that on this list!)

>         ..... A strong proposal will have:
>                 8 or more unanimous approval votes.
>                 16 or more votes, with a supermajority (75%) positive
>                 or abstaining.

OK, but puzzled about 'abstaining' votes. If someone voted, its almost
always yes or no. Lets not count all possible voters please !

>                 A history of tagging consistent with the proposal,
>                 from five or more active mappers. This mapping often
>                 starts during the RFC phase, and can be very helpful
>                 in refining the proposed tagging.

Going to be very difficult to document, to establish the facts. Great
idea to encourage but to make a proposal dependant on it.....
>         With OSM's open tagging policy you need not wait for the wiki
>         to start tagging.  The wiki is not a collection of 'rules',
>         and mappers and rendering services are free to ignore your
>         proposal   

Indeed, but more emphasis is needed on the impact of others ignoring
your impromptu tags. Truth is, tagging effort is wasted if it is

As I have said before, you can make up new words when speaking to
someone, but unless you agree on their meaning, you won't be understood.


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