Michael Reichert wrote on 2015-03-09 15:27:
Am 2015-03-09 um 15:22 schrieb ael:
I have resorted to changing railway=abandoned to railway=disused
on several occasions just to get mapnik and friends to render
bridges. Bridges over roads and rivers are major features of relevance
to tall vehicles and boats, so really should show up on standard

According to the wiki railway=abandoned applies when the rails have been
removed, and disused should be used when the rails are still present.

Not suprisingly this has been raised before, as for instance at

I don't like tagging for the renderer and normally avoid it, but in this
case it seems to be necessary to maintain the reputation of OSM/mapnik.

Michael Reichert wrote on 2015-03-09 15:27:
Would you please change this back?! There also other maps using OSM data
which rely on good and exact tagging!

There is no reason to increase "the reputation of OSM-Carto". If it
renders bad images, they bad and the stylesheet has to be fixed, not the

+1, please tag what is on the ground,
and railway=abandoned is not rendered on carto by decision, read here:


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