On 3/9/15 4:58 PM, Bryce Nesbitt wrote:
> The broader point is intact.
> When making sense of abandoned bridges and oddly rounded buildings in
> various places, it is super helpful
> to see the context of the prior railroad grade.  It helps in mapping
> from the air and on the ground.
> A given railway grade may (and often does) exist as razed, abandoned,
> disused, and reused (e.g. highway=residential or highway=service,
> leisure=park) along it's length.  So how can we represent the former
> way, and the current use of each bit,
> in a rational way?
it's probably worthwhile to consider OpenHistoricalMap as a resource for
recording information about spatial entities that no longer exist in the
world. this relieves us of the argument about representing them in OSM.

i am now in the opening phase of a campaign to describe old auto racing
venues in OHM; in some cases they are related to existing physical entities
(e.g., the first and second Watkins Glen Grand Prix courses used public
of the time, most of which still exist. likewise, many airport courses
have been
used over the years and are no longer; but the airports frequently still
these things go in OHM because while the physical entities still exist, the
racing usage is long gone.)

the issue of how to relate OHM objects to OSM objects is an open question;
right now i am not attempting to provide links from OHM entities to OSM
entities and instead am depending on a leaflet application to use OSM as a
basemap to provide context.


 Averill Park Networking - GIS & IT Consulting
 OpenStreetMap - PostgreSQL - Linux
 Java - Web Applications - Search

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