On 9 March 2015 at 15:15, Janko Mihelić <jan...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Using the default OSM-Carto layer for a project isn't very professional. The
> job of the default layer isn't to make a map for everyone to use in their
> projects, its main job is to help mappers see what they have mapped, and to
> guide mappers in their choice of tags.

That's not necessarily true. According to CARTOGRAPHY.md, the purposes
of the default layer are:

- It's the primary feedback mechanism for mappers to validate their
edits - so detail is useful
- It's a major part of the impression visitors to osm.org receive - so
clear design is useful
- It's an examplar stylesheet for rendering OSM data - so easy
customisation is useful

That said, as the openstreetmap-carto is a one-size-fits all map,
there are often better maps for specific situations.

-- Matthijs

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