Hi Dave, I agree with that. I am thinking about camp_type=*. Also usable
for scout camps?

On Sat, Mar 28, 2015 at 11:11 AM David Bannon <dban...@internode.on.net>

> On Sat, 2015-03-28 at 07:09 +0000, Jan van Bekkum wrote:
> >      1. Get a high level of classification of campsites based on the
> >         relation between the land owner and the camper
> >      2. Get a classification of regular campsites based on available
> >         facilities.
> Agreed Jan. Different things.
> However, I think the vast majority of campers are also more interested
> in 2). Your Overlanders are an important group but a small minority. I
> think the term "camp_site" is an important resource and needs to be
> applied where most will be looking for it.
> So, to deal with 1), a fairly specialist need, you really need a new
> term that reflects that specialist need. Maybe camp_business_type=*
> ?
> David
> > I made the initial proposal to solve the first issue. I personally
> > look at mapping as an overlander, often staying in countries without
> >  "normal" campsites. The discussion so far gives a reasonable picture
> > how the first item should be mapped, but we are struggling with the
> > exact tag names - camp_site= non_designated etc. (not being a native
> > speaker doesn't help here :-( ). I will update the proposal and can
> > bring it to voting on short notice.
> >
> >
> >
> > The second issue should be addressed with a different key
> > (camp_site_facilities=basic etc. or so). It requires more discussion
> > and has to have its own proposal. I will be hitting the road again in
> > about a month from now, therefore I don't want to own the second
> > proposal.
> >
> >
> > Bryce, as you seem to be very much interested in the second issue,
> > would you be willing to take this one?
> >
> >
> > Thanks,
> >
> >
> > Jan
> >
> >
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