> I would tag
> sport=shooting as an area for preference .. that being the physical area 
> where the shooting takes place.
> It should be used with some other tag .. say leisure=pitch? Pity the wiki 
> does not specify it!

Usually we have names for the area where things take place (pitch, track, pool) 
and the sport (sport=*)

A range is one of those places. Usually there are no mixed ranges (archery and 
rifles, etc) are separate

So leisure=range + sport=archery for an archery range or sport=shooting for a 
shooting range. 

Paintball is not played on a range. It is played in an area where just players 
are allowed during play - like a pitch. 

>> So shouldn't this rather be used for the type of weapon or a specific 
>> shooting sport?
> I think shooting=range is not correct .. maybe shooting=gun to signify the 
> type of shooting ... compared to arrow, crossbow, cannon ...

Icons can follow the sport=* tag, as it does for other sports, right?

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