
On 05/11/15 06:04, Andreas Goss wrote:
> ____________________________________________________
> Look for a clear area in the village away from houses and hills. Shift 
> to Opencyclemap layer to evaluate if this area is flat enough, with a 
> minimum width of 30 meter. The Scale bar can help to evaluate the 
> distances. The image above help also to evaluate what should look like 
> such area. If there is no flat area, do not trace a polygon leisure=common.
>      Trace a polygon tag leisure=common
> http://tasks.hotosm.org/project/1023#task/2
> ____________________________________________________

This is certainly a very bad idea, and whoever came up with that should
be politely asked to take on non-OpenStreetMap-related duties within HOT
instead of coming up with ideas that pollutes OSM with questionable data.

"leisure=common" can very well be hilly, or in the vicinity of houses,
or smaller than 30 metres; the tag should not be redefined for areas of
HOT activity to mean "a helicopter can land here".

By all means, define a tag "hot:potential_helicopter_landing_site=yes"
or whatever. That's what our tagging freedom is for...


Frederik Ramm  ##  eMail frede...@remote.org  ##  N49°00'09" E008°23'33"

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