Forwarding to HOT activation working group.

Activation WG,
Please see an ongoing discussion about tagging:leisure=common for
potential helicopter landings

Tagging group,
Tentative answers inline.

Andreas Goss <> wrote:
> ____________________________________________________
> Look for a clear area in the village away from houses and hills. Shift to
> Opencyclemap layer to evaluate if this area is flat enough, with a minimum
> width of 30 meter. The Scale bar can help to evaluate the distances. The
> image above help also to evaluate what should look like such area. If there
> is no flat area, do not trace a polygon leisure=common.
>     Trace a polygon tag leisure=common
> ____________________________________________________
> Can anybody explain to me why we use one of the most unlcear tags for this?
> Is this just tagging for the render or why is it so complicated to come up
> with a more fitting tag?

As far as I understand, the explanation (not an approval):
It started as tagging for the end-users because GIS people and pilots
were looking for leisure=common for unofficial landing sites in some
places such as West Africa.

Frederik Ramm <> wrote:
> This is certainly a very bad idea [SNIP]

We will politely ask and try to improve on it.
Please consider being extra nice and somehow patient because HOT
members are in the biggest activation ever and under heavy pressure
right now.

> "leisure=common" can very well be hilly, or in the vicinity of houses,
> or smaller than 30 metres; the tag should not be redefined for areas of
> HOT activity to mean "a helicopter can land here".
> By all means, define a tag "hot:potential_helicopter_landing_site=yes"
> or whatever. That's what our tagging freedom is for...

johnw <> wrote:
> The sports pitch in the middle of our local school sports stadium is also the 
> staging grounds for wildfire fighting helicopters.
> I’m not about to add a aeroway=helipad to the field because it could be used 
> for emergency evacuations.

I would say that is precisely what happened for using leisure=common
and not adding aeroway=helipad.

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