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> Am 28.08.2015 um 00:22 schrieb Paul Norman <>:
> This is not generally true, although it might be where you are. A typical 
> department store here is one or two floors inside, with an outside somewhat 
> like this:, or 
> maybe on the fancier end, 

I'm sorry for you ;-)

> This is the same as in Ontario, and across much of the US where I have 
> traveled. The only 3+ floor locations that come to mind are some old stores 
> downtown.

yes, I had some fear that this was indeed the case in North America, hence my 
first sentence (referring to areas). I guess I had these old store locations 
downtown in mind (typical for Europe as well).

Not sure what would be the best description for your typical building types 
(still, "retail" without any additional information seems very generic), likely 
"supermarket" and department store aren't ;-)

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