On Mon, Oct 05, 2015 at 12:01:57PM +0200, Friedrich Volkmann wrote:
> I intend to write a proposal for a new access=* value, but I don't know a
> reasonable tag name. So I'm asking you for suggestions.
> We need the tag for Austrian road signs labelled "ausgenommen
> Anrainerverkehr" or "ausgenommen Anliegerverkehr", where "ausgenommen" means
> "excepted" and "Anrainerverkehr" or "Anliegerverkehr" is the word I am
> struggling to translate. These signs are mostly used in conjunction with [no
> vehicles] or [no motor vehicles] signs.

From my understanding this is exactly what destination is for. You are
allowed to enter as long are allowed as a resident or visitor of a
resident. The exact legal term is slightly different for different countries.


        "Die österreichische Straßenverkehrsordnung kennt den Anrainerbegriff
        unter anderem in Verbindung mit Fahrverboten. Diese können mit Ausnahmen
        für Anrainer oder den Anrainerverkehr versehen sein. Der Unterschied
        liegt darin, dass im ersten Fall nur der Anrainer selbst über dieses
        Straßenstück zufahren darf, im zweiten die Anrainer selbst und alle, die
        zu den betroffenen Anrainern möchten. Somit besteht eine Ähnlichkeit mit
        dem Begriff des Anliegers aus der deutschen Rechtsprechung."

For the non German speakers - It basically describes that there can
be a difference between "Anrainer" which is the resident on a street
and "Anrainerverkehr" which means residents and their visitors.
Germany does not have this distinction. The last one is the German
"Anlieger" and comparable to the "no thru traffic" and thus would
be mapped as e.g. "motor_vehicle=destination".

The "Anrainer" e.g. only residents would most likely translate to e.g.
"motor_vehicle=private" as its ONLY for a really small known group of people
and not for the public.

> There are similar signs in Germany and Switzerland, although there has been
> some debate whether the terms mean the same thing. So I am primarily
> considering Austrian jurisdiction by now. The Germans or Swiss can then
> decide whether they use the new access value or not.

In the end it doesnt matter what the exact legal term is. You tag it 
destination and the router could probably tell you are in austria and
there is a destination so i treat it slightly different.

But stepping back a little - All this detail is irrelevant for
routing/navigation application. In the end ALL access restrictions
whatever their meaning is have to be treated as "destination" - even
an access=private. When there is no other way the navigation
application leads you to the next point on roads to that destination.
If you are allowed to actually take the last 50m has to be decided by 
the driver itself. The navigaton application simply points you a

PS: Making "access=destination" really behave correctly in navigational 
apps is REALLY complicated. Just increasing the graphs costs on that
roads is plain wrong. Basically connected roads for destination
restrictions build a subgraph which has a one time cost of
entering it - not a per meter cost.
Florian Lohoff                                                 f...@zz.de
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