Well, I thought underground lines was to be tagged as `power=line`; besides, I 
thought like you at first, but I've been told on the help.openstreetmap.org 
link that the distribution/transmission parting should not be taken into 
primary consideration, maybe because the difference is not obvious for people 
unaccustomed with the power networks who only want to map the line they see, 
but primarily on a lanscape point of view, which takes sense, as a naive map 
reader won't try to interpret the power lines map as distribution/transmission, 
but mainly as landmarks, in which case the landscape criteria makes sense.
From: br...@7thposition.com
Date: Tue, 13 Oct 2015 10:16:55 -0400
To: tagging@openstreetmap.org
Subject: Re: [Tagging] power=* tag: minor_line vs. line

A simper way to describe this would be to say that:
`power=line` is for 
`power=minor_line` is for 

Trying to define this based on line voltage or tower heights or danger to 
aircraft is silly.  Transmission and distribution lines can be located 
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