We are not talking about stop to differentiate power lines but to use
different tags to do so.

By landscape : importance=* may support the difference between "big"
and "small" power lines.
power=line + importance=local
power=line + importance=regional
power=line + importance=minor
power=line + importance=major
and so on

On supports : color=*, structure=*, height=*

By power grid function :
power=line + usage=distribution
power=line + usage=transmission
power=line + usage=traction
and so on

I completely second what Ralph said.
The problem is also no one has really the same point of view regarding
power lines classification.

And we are forcing people who can't/don't want to handle such a choice
between minor/major, huge/small, useful/not useful.

Finally, how would you tag such feature ?



2015-10-14 17:17 GMT+02:00 David Marchal <pene...@live.fr>:
> Indeed, mappers aren't supposed to know everything, neither the recommended
> modelling nor the technical details of power lines, but the landscape
> criteria seems simple enough to allow them to understand it if they are
> informed about it; besides, even if they are not aware of it, experienced
> mappers can correct and detail it later, so the distinction won't be useless
> at all, even if it isn"t used at the first mapping. I mean, newbies may be
> unaccustomated to the difference between streams and drains, but that's not
> a reason to give up this discrimination between those waterways.
> ________________________________
> From: ralph.ayt...@ntlworld.com
> To: tagging@openstreetmap.org
> Date: Wed, 14 Oct 2015 10:14:48 +0100
> Subject: Re: [Tagging] power=* tag: minor_line vs. line
> Please remember that this is OpenStreetMap and most mappers are not experts
> on the features they are mapping. It is my personal appeal to all to allow a
> tagging system that allows general mappers to put a specific feature on the
> map using overall basic tags and then the experts can come in and “add”
> additional tags to break it into it’s specific grouping or usage and even
> take it to the nth degree of ridiculous if they so wish. Let us take the
> Electricity Grid as that example, if the general mapper can identify a power
> line on the aerial imagery then they map it as a power=line. They may even
> have the ability to identify the position of most pylons (if the imagery
> shows a good shadow to identify between pole and pylon) through open
> country, it becomes a lot more difficult and blurred in Towns and Cities.
> For those who have a bit more local knowledge of the grid they may then add
> the major detail such as National Grid which carries the highest voltage,
> this breaks down to a lower voltage at a sub station to enter the regional
> grid and then repeats this step to a lower voltage again for the local or
> distributer grid.
> Hopefully you will bear in mind the mapper and the process of getting detail
> on the map before you start deciding that the mappers should all be using
> the detailed knowledge tags that you are proposing. If the tags get too
> detailed for general mappers then you are going to stop them from adding
> basic detail to the map. I for one will stop adding power lines altogether
> if I do not know if it is high or low voltage, national or local grid. I
> able to leave it up to someone with more knowledge to identify it further.
> Please remember the majority of mappers are not experts in all fields. I may
> identify a structure on the aerial imagery and identify it as a building but
> I have no way of knowing if it is a family home, a corner shop or a local
> pub ... so I tag it with the most general tag building=yes. I need to be
> able to do the same with power lines ... a very basic tag for general use.
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