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Am 02.02.2016 um 04:16 schrieb Warin <>:

>>> 2 problems with tourism=gallery: it is not clear, which kind of gallery
>>> is intended,
> Many many key/values are not precise in what is intended. That is why 'sub 
> keys' are used.
> 'Sub keys' like width, height add detail. If you think a gallery needs more 
> detail, add sub keys to it!

no, I think there are lots of meanings for the word "gallery", ranging from 
architecture over mining,  to kind of museum to private exhibition spaces that 
are part of the contemporary art discourse. The latter 2 are IMHO different 
enough to not put them under the same main tag.

>>>  and either way "tourism" is not a nice key for these
>>> (neither is it for museums).
> A 'nice key'?
> Tourism? Visiting a place for pleasure? Looks to be the correct key to me!

it's rather constricting, to me museums are not in the first place a kind of 
leisure institution but more for heritage and education. 

>> What would be a proper way to tag this?
>> amenity=museum
>> museum=art
>> ?
> No. OSM amenity - important facilities.

IMHO museums are important facilities.

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