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> Am 02.02.2016 um 19:36 schrieb Max <>:
> Gallery: A room or building for the display or sale of works of art: an
> art gallery the National Gallery

both, the two examples above, as the first two  examples on the link, clearly 
show that the word gallery has multiple meanings:

Many galleries display the art prints without prices - hoping to get more 
easily into an e-mail contact with their visitors.
The new renaissance and baroque galleries at the Waiters Art Museum, Baltimore, 
include rooms that resemble those of a seventeenth-century Dutch nobleman.

how do you propose we should deal with this? Use the same tag for both kinds of 
gallery? use it only for one type and use another tag for the other type 

> Also the British English is contradicting the use in OSM and the
> definition in the OSM wiki where museum is non-art only and Gallery is a
> Museum for art.

yes, while tags are not entirely the same thing as is natural language, they 
tend to be used in a way that is deducted from the meaning of the words. Trying 
to establish definitions that go against the actual meaning of the words will 
not work.

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