Two observations ....

- the motorcycle preset in its present form (well with the exception of
an improvement from yours truly) exists since at least JOSM 3498 6 years
ago ... debating the motivations of whoever added the sale key is rather
moot at this point in time.

- pure motorcycle rental places are very very rare (pls don't assume
that it is the same as with cars), at least I and I suspect most other
bikers are likely to  search for dealerships and then check if they
provide rentals or not.

And yes, the sale key is rather weird,


Am 04.03.2016 um 07:56 schrieb Marc Gemis:
> On Thu, Mar 3, 2016 at 7:24 PM, Martin Koppenhoefer
> <> wrote:
>>> Am 03.03.2016 um 14:41 schrieb Marc Gemis <>:
>>> I'l agree that when there are separate tags for rental and repair
>>> there is no need for sales=no.
>>> Only when you try to bring everything under 1 umbrella the sales=no makes 
>>> sense.
>> I don't see why a place to rent motorcycles should be tagged in a way that 
>> facilitates confusion with a place that sells motorcycles. Why would you do 
>> this? People look either for the first or the second but almost never they 
>> don't care, so a distinction at the top level seems right.
> While I don't want to defend the scheme of the preset (you should
> contact the author of the preset on why he/she choose that scheme),
> there are some benefits with that schema.
> With this schema I only need 1 query shop=motorcycle + rental=yes (or
> whatever is in the preset) to find all places where you can rent
> motorcycles.
> With the duck tagging, you need the union of 3 "queries"
> - one for pure rental places
> - one for shop + rental
> - one for repair + rental.
> Otherwise you might miss places where you can rent a motorcycle. So
> the distinction at the top is not useful for this search. The same is
> true in case you look for a repair shop, as shops selling motorcycles
> usually offer service as well. Hence, the distinction is not always
> right imho.
> My original comment was just triggered by Martin stating that
> sale/sales does not makes sense. It does makes sense in case you merge
> all three, But shop=motorcycle is a bad choice in that case. For some
> queries it would be nice to have all motorcycle related commercial
> activities under 1 tag.
> This does not mean that I ask to change the current preferred way of 3
> top level tags. I just want to point out that there is a downside on
> the current schema (with 3 toplevel tags) as well.
> regards
> m
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