On Tue, Aug 30, 2016 at 10:27:00PM +0200, ksg wrote:

> In Austria and the adjacent Bavarian Alps of Germany exist a rather 
> elaborated hierarchical index of caves (Österreichisches Höhlen Verzeichnis 
> (ÖHV) = Austrian Cave Index) - 
> http://hoehle.org/downloads/SD_10_Handbuch.pdf.  The register is based on 
> four main hydrographic units with three level subdivisions, based mainly on 
> river basins and mountain regions. See the english abstract that follows the 
> table of contents. It should be discussed in advance, if the national speleo 
> associations will permit using data from the cave indexes or even if they 
> have an interest in sharing specific information with OSM. 

interesting reading. 

Apparently such ids are already used in OSM 
Don't think such a short numeric id can be copyrighted in any way but of course 
copying data 
from copyrighted sources requires permission and licence compatibility.


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