Sorry for my bad English , I don't understand you totally the example you
want I map. Please, can you show me a pic of the road or the traffic sign
you want I map?

I will try it.
I forget I use also side=up to mark the "aerial panels"
Second position (traffic_sign:2:forward) to the up side is not under the
first traffic sign , is in the left side (the main destination, in most
countries this information is the less given)




Also we can use the tag place_of...etc. And we can make it more precise.
Because we don't need more information than the traffic sign itself, and
its position.
But if you tell me the pic I try to map it better.

The point is with all the community, with Mapillary data, with presets and
styles in JOSM find a way to map it and one day see the data in GPS, apps,
some render, etc.

Why not?

Salut i senyals de trànsit (Good health and traffic signs)

On Sun, May 21, 2017 at 10:38 PM, Colin Smale <> wrote:

> On 2017-05-21 22:23, yo paseopor wrote:
> On Sun, May 21, 2017 at 9:47 PM, Tobias Knerr <> wrote:
>> I also find it useful to know the exact traffic sign combinations that
>> the other tags are derived from, as ambiguities in tagging can cause
>> that information to be muddled (e.g. the path/designated/official
>> issue). If it's only about that use case, though, I tend to use the
>> traffic_sign tag on ways, rather than separate nodes.
> to get the direction for the node I put the node in the way. The way has a
> direction. I specify the position of the node relative to the way
> (forward/backward). Also I specify the side with this tag
> side=right/left/both
> What use cases do *you* have in mind, Yo?
> Which types of signs do you tag in this way? How would you tag a sign
> which, for example, only applies to trucks in the left hand lane of a
> single-carriageway 4-lane two-way road?
> //colin
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