On 28.07.2017 11:39, Adam Snape wrote:
On 27 July 2017 at 21:20, Tom Pfeifer <t.pfei...@computer.org 
<mailto:t.pfei...@computer.org>> wrot

    There are pronunciation dictionaries for different languages, which are not 
thicker than
    spelling dictionaries. In electronic form they would measure in kilobytes, 
and be included in
    the dozens of megabytes a TTS engine comes with, for each language module. 
So the correct
    spelling of common geonames as Edinburgh should be an easy exercise

I was just using Edinburgh as an example most English speakers are familiar with. Whilst I would expect software to be familiar with major cities like Edinburgh it is much more unlikely to be able to deal with the pronunciation of all the smaller named objects in OSM. A means of tagging pronunciation, where this is not obvious from the spelling would be a useful addition to osm.

I was just bashing commercial TTS for their ignorance.

I agree that tagging pronunciation is a good thing for unusual situations, and the examples that were cited before already use the IPA [1], which would be my recommendation as well.


[1] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/International_Phonetic_Alphabet

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