
Looks like the tag 'airstrip' has been introduced by a LINZ import.

The osmwiki says "The *aeroway <https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Key:aeroway>=*airstrip** key is used to identify a place such as a farm field, hill slope or similar reasonably flat area where light aircraft can land and take off from. Airstrips are often limited to a particular type of aircraft. Airstrips are frequently used by agricultural aircraft used to spread fertilizer or spray crops at particular times of the year. Airstrips often have no permanent supporting infrastructure and may be grazed by stock when not in active use. The field may need to be overflown before landing to ensure it is safe to use"

Umm "where light aircraft can land" that could be any flat place.

"often limited to a particular type of aircraft" how? weight limit? width? These can be tagged individually.

Some runways have to be overflown to ensure safety too.

I see no reason why these cannot be retagged as 'runway'.

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