2017-10-09 10:54 GMT+02:00 Christoph Hormann <o...@imagico.de>:

> >
> > 'airstrip' and 'runway' are terms of art in Aviation.
> > The distinction is important.
> Since this still seems to be a widespread misconception:  The meaning of
> the words used for key and value in English language does not
> necessarily have any connection to the meaning of the tag in OSM.

it better should, because people are mapping based on the semantics of the
tags, which in many cases are asumed to be the meaning of the word, and
often do not look up wiki definitions, nor are those definitions "perfect"
(they are constantly being clarified, refined) and more seldomly redefined
or deprecated. If the meaning of the word is different to the

> Famous cases:
> A National Forest is not necessarily landuse=forest.
> A National Park is likely never leisure=park.

these are not so good examples to make your point, as the terms are not
"forest" and "park", but "national forest" and "national park". If you'd
tag these with boundary=national_park or protection_title=National Forest,
nobody will probably complain (if you live in areas with "National Forests"
and "National Parks", you'd know that these are not landuses anyway).

In this case practical use of aeroway=runway includes any airstrips with
> on-the-ground verifiablility - i.e. where you can observe this use of
> the area on the ground and not just conclude this from the fact that
> aircrafts have landed there in the past.

The wiki says (undisputed and since version1 in 1/2008): "A runway is a
strip of land on an airport, on which aircraft can take off and land.".
Under this definition, you could at most map those airstrips as runways
that are _on an airport_ (if these exist). Note that it says "airport", not

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