I think we may be drifting away from Warin's original question.

If you look at the LINZ meta-data:


their definition of what an airstrip is:

"an area that consists only of a grass (sometimes limestone) runway in a remote location"

and given that they are shown on topo maps they would be permanent.

On 09/10/17 17:00, Graeme Fitzpatrick wrote:
I know there are some airstrips in SEQ that are privately owned & no-one is allowed to land without permission - should they be mapped as possible emergency strips?

There are also charter planes that operate of the beach at Fraser Island - should that stretch of beach also be shown as a 'strip?



On 9 October 2017 at 14:58, Andrew Davidson <thesw...@gmail.com <mailto:thesw...@gmail.com>> wrote:

    On 9/10/17 14:40, Bill Ricker wrote:

        Runways are permanent and maintained, often even managed.
        Former runways aren't runways.
        Airstrips are more changeable than seasonal watercourses.

    So I guess what you are saying here is that airstrips are ephemeral
    and as such cannot be verified? That would suggest that they
    shouldn't be mapped.

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