During my recent mapping of marina-related areas I tagged 
piers walkable by pedestrians as both highway=footway and man_made=pier.

For an example see

This practice is currently not mentioned at

From taginfo data it seems that some tag this way, but it is not
popular - 2.28% of man_made=pier have also highway=footway or

Further 0.44% of man_made=pier have an another highway tag (findable
with http://overpass-turbo.eu/s/sxQ - most of these are


Would be a good idea to encourage a more explicit tagging?

Or maybe every single man_made=pier is walkable and highway=footway
should be considered as implied, unless other highway value is tagged?

And routers/renderers/others can consider man_made=pier and
man_made=pier with highway=footway as the same?

Or maybe it is preferable to be explicit with mapping?

(I am asking here both as a data consumer and mapper as my experience
with sailing-related things is limited)

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