Ooh, historic buildings !

On Wed, Dec 20, 2017 at 9:54 AM, althio <althio.fo...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Martin wrote:
> > wikipedia says: "it is known under the moniker the smallest cathedral in 
> > the world"
> alt_name:hr=najmanja katedrala na svijetu
> alt_name:en=smallest cathedral in the world
> alt_name:de=kleinste Kathedrale der Welt
> ;)

That looks good, since it's "known as" but isn't formally acting as
the Seat of a See.

There are interesting weeds here.

Per Wikipedia, a former Seat is a "proto-cathedral" (and building
would normally look like and be called Cathedral of XYZ) and a parish
church temporarily used as Seat until the proper cathedral is built is
a "pro-cathedral" for the duration only (and generally NOT look like
or be called cathedral).  It would take detailed historical reading to
determine which was the ancient usage here, although hypothetical
existence of a permanent "cathedra" (throne) in the fabric of the
building would tend towards "proto-" despite not being so named.
 [ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cathedral  ].

[ OTOH if it still contains a "cathedra" (throne) and if a Bishop
still celebrated there on even one feast day a year, it could still be
designated by the Archdiocese as a "co-cathedral," but as there is no
Bishop of Nona/Nin -- Ninksky/Nona/Nin now being a Deanery not a
Diocese of the Metropolitan Archdiocese of Zara -- this seems
unlikely, but would be plausible still, depending on their local
traditions. but if it were a co-cathedral in church law, I would
expect to see that reflected in Wikipedia or elsewhere that Google
would find; Wikipedia only lists Konkatedrala sv. Petar Apostola as
the alternate to Katedrala Sv. Dujma (in Split), none in Zara.
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Co-cathedral#Croatia  ]

> > I do not insist and will leave this to the local mappers to decide, 
> > obviously, but I
> > don't think it would be a problem to classify it as cathedral.

> Amen!  :)

I wouldn't argue with local mappers, agreed.

Re building=cathedral -  Our wiki says
"There are other churches as well, which were built with the same
architectural features, but they do not have or never had a bishop,
but they are called cathedrals as well. "
[ http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Tag:building%3Dcathedral ]
Reading: We are not reporting on Polity & Hierarchy, but what it is
called, so it would be allowed, if called Cathedral of Saint Soandso
despite not having a bishop.

Likewise, for OSM to "round up" the various rare species
"proto-cathedral" , "pro-cathedral"  , and "co-cathedral" into
tag/value "cathedral" is not unreasonable; we are not tracking
multiple denominations' internal hierachy in real time, just their
signage.  We don't need to shard the value, building=co_cathedral
would be silly. Physically they are identical building styles, the
only difference is how long since the last visit by the bishop, not a
mappable event.

So via our "Map what's on the ground" rule, if it doesn't claim to be
a(n) (ex/proto/pro/co-)cathedral by signage, we don't use the primary
building=cathedral tag but a historical tag, an alt tag, notes, etc.

And indeed the historic plaque says "Church"="Crkva" not Cathedral.

So I'd agree building=church is correct in this case.

The heritage=2 , heritage:operator=uzkb  tags indicate it is a listed
historical/cultural building (as is not surprising).
But this does NOT indicate it is historical-interest only, only that
it is listed for preservation.

There are two remaining issues I'd defer to local mappers:

Is this is still a active church (consecrated, operated by the
Church), or is now a historic building only, having been
deconsecrated, operated by a government or heritage authority.
Hypothetically in the latter case,  the current tagging
would be wrong, as that is not the amenity currently on offer, and it
would be more tourism/history tagged.
(But building=church would still be correct, that's what the fabric
still would be.)

Assuming it is still served by prelates and still provides
amenity=place_of_worship, it should have a
(Since this is a ninth century church, I could argue that the deprecated
would also be correct, as the church was built before there was a
distinction between denomination=roman_catholic and
denomination=greek_catholic; the Bishop of Nin went with Rome in the
Great Schism of 1054.)

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