On 26/01/2018 14:48, Matej Lieskovský wrote:
... we reached out
to the DWG, which did not solve the dispute.

For completeness, I actually suggested posting here rather than have the DWG issue a "commandment" - I have some knowledge of Czech and Czech grammar but not much, and it made sense to have a wider discussion.

There's also a talk-cz discussion https://lists.openstreetmap.org/pipermail/talk-cz/2018-January/thread.html#18356 (if you're not a fluent Czech reader you'll want to have both the original and translated version of that open together so you can see the original Czech abbreviations etc.).  There are also a bunch of Unicode references in github, such as https://github.com/openstreetmap/openstreetmap-website/search?q=unicode&type=Issues&utf8=%E2%9C%93 and in particular https://github.com/openstreetmap/openstreetmap-website/issues/1213 which describes how some Unicode characters are handled now.

 Best Regards,
Andy (DWG member and occasional orderer of "Tři piva prosím")

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