I am looking for a way to tag areas that used to be a forest but
all/almost all trees were fallen by a strong wind.

https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Wiatro%C5%82om_T_26.jpg or
are good depictions of this situations.

Sometimes such are is relatively quickly cleaned up and new forest is planted 
but in some cases (for example in Tatra mountains) such windthrow areas are 
staying for a long time (years, maybe longer) so tagging this makes sense.

I looked at https://taginfo.openstreetmap.org//search?q=windthrow and it seems 
that nobody tagged this kind of object.
I found https://taginfo.openstreetmap.org//search?q=windfall but with really 
low usage
I looked for windfall and windthrow in archives of tagging mailing list.

I used natural=windthrow, but maybe there is an existing tag already used for 

Overpass query with all tagged areas (currently it is just 8 areas): 

Tagging mailing list

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