On Fri, 16 Mar 2018 17:26:27 -0400
Kevin Kenny <kevin.b.kenny+...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I can understand the desire for distinct tagging.
> Certainly, it's much tougher to navigate a field of blowdown / prone
> forest like
> https://www.flickr.com/photos/ke9tv/14738421885/
> than it is to walk through a standing forest.

Also - it may be useful for orientation and during hiking trip one may
prefer to route going through existing forest rather area where forest
was destroyed. 

> Nevertheless, they are both landuse=forest (if managed for forestry)

Many of areas that may be tagged this way are not managed for
forestry but in protected areas.

Areas managed for forestry are typically cleaned-up and replanted
relatively quickly.

Note that typical usage and interpretation of landuse=forest is 
"area covered by trees" not "area managed for forestry" (though I
know that there are competing approaches - see
https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Forest ).

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