for the tag : operator:type=ngo

for the "publicly available" : for the two establishments of this type I 
know, being a "outreach project" is a part of the goal. we also go there 
to help the project and not just for the poi itself, so it seems very 
positive to me to add the information.
it's over the time when helping someone different was shameful.

Le 12. 04. 18 à 10:26, Marc Gemis a écrit :
> In both cases I encountered, the website clearly states it:
> (In Dutch)
> clearly states
> "people with an handicap"
>   It mentions people with a
> form of autism (it is worded more nicely in Dutch)
> there is nothing hidden in the two cases I wanted to map. But indeed,
> I can imagine that not all projects are so open about it.
> m
> On Thu, Apr 12, 2018 at 9:28 AM, Volker Schmidt <> wrote:
>> This is a tricky issue. I expect not all of them to be happy to publicise
>> that fact.
>> We have here in Italy many businesses or amenities that are run by social
>> cooperatives [1] that employ people with special needs.  From the Wikipedia
>> article it seems that similar forms are common in Belgium.
>> In Italy we could deal with this by putting the full name of the operator in
>> the "operator" tag. That full name would include the wording "cooperativa
>> sociale"
>> [1] >> Marc Gemis 
>> marc.gemis at
 >> Thu Apr 12 05:23:32 UTC 2018
 >>> How do you tag a cafe (or any other amenity) that is run as part
 >>> of an outreach project ?
 >>> The cafe is available to everyone, but the employees are part of an
 >>> outreach project (e.g. people with disabilities).
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