So I will add

social_facility=outreach (and hope no-one thinks it is only accessible
for people in an outreach group)

for now. In case new/better ideas pop-up, feel free to let me know.


p.s. @Volker: I totally understand your viewpoint. I was wondering
myself whether it is sensible to do, but since their website states it
as well, I see no harm to add the information.
As I wrote in an earlier their might be projects that are more
secretive (is that the correct word to use?) in which case we should
not map it, but I guess if the people serving you have some disability
you will notice soon enough.

On Thu, Apr 12, 2018 at 11:09 AM, marc marc <> wrote:
> for the tag : operator:type=ngo
> for the "publicly available" : for the two establishments of this type I
> know, being a "outreach project" is a part of the goal. we also go there
> to help the project and not just for the poi itself, so it seems very
> positive to me to add the information.
> it's over the time when helping someone different was shameful.
> Le 12. 04. 18 à 10:26, Marc Gemis a écrit :
>> In both cases I encountered, the website clearly states it:
>> (In Dutch)
>> clearly states
>> "people with an handicap"
>>   It mentions people with a
>> form of autism (it is worded more nicely in Dutch)
>> there is nothing hidden in the two cases I wanted to map. But indeed,
>> I can imagine that not all projects are so open about it.
>> m
>> On Thu, Apr 12, 2018 at 9:28 AM, Volker Schmidt <> wrote:
>>> This is a tricky issue. I expect not all of them to be happy to publicise
>>> that fact.
>>> We have here in Italy many businesses or amenities that are run by social
>>> cooperatives [1] that employ people with special needs.  From the Wikipedia
>>> article it seems that similar forms are common in Belgium.
>>> In Italy we could deal with this by putting the full name of the operator in
>>> the "operator" tag. That full name would include the wording "cooperativa
>>> sociale"
>>> [1] >> Marc Gemis 
>>> marc.gemis at
>  >> Thu Apr 12 05:23:32 UTC 2018
>  >>> How do you tag a cafe (or any other amenity) that is run as part
>  >>> of an outreach project ?
>  >>> The cafe is available to everyone, but the employees are part of an
>  >>> outreach project (e.g. people with disabilities).
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